
BROCRE software can be downloaded either via commandline tools or a GUI. The buildsystem is currently commandline only.


Install packages

The folders in the brocre folder are software stacks. To install a software stack please go into the folder and type “make update”.

cd hardware/youbot-driver/

make update

The software will be installed into the ~/brics_sofware folder. To compile the software please use rosmake.

rosmake youbot_driver

Check installed packages

To check which software is installed type:


Uninstall packages

To uninstall software please use the command robotpkg_delete. For instance like this:

robotpkg_delete youbot_driver-0.9


You can start the GUI with the following commands :

cd brocre/pkgtools/brocre_tools/


After starting the GUI you should see a screen similar as in the picture below:


The categories check boxes allow you to filter available BROCRE packages. If you select a package, its details will be shown in the right text box and you are able to install or uninstall the package. With the Update BROCRE button it is possible to pull the newest package descriptions form the git repository.

The software will be installed into the ~/brics_sofware folder. To compile the software please use rosmake as described in the "Commandline usage" section

Use a model which is installed by BROCRE in BRIDE

  1. Open BRIDE
  2. From the main menu bar, select File > Import.... The Import wizard opens.
  3. Select General > Existing Project into Workspace and click Next.
  4. Next to select root directory and click Browse. Browse to the ~/brics_sofware/model folder.
  5. Under Projects select the project or projects which you would like to import.
    (do not select Copy projects into workspace)
  6. Click Finish to start the import.