ICRA2012 Workshop

The workshop will be held in conjunction with , Minneapolis, USA.


VII Edition of Workshop on Software Development and Integration in Robotics (SDIR-VII)


The specific topic of seventh edition of the ICRA SDIR workshop is "Programming Languages in Robotics." Nowadays, a plethora of general-purpose and domain−specific languages support multiple programming paradigms, such as functional, procedural, declarative, event-based and visual programming. As programming languages evolve and new languages emerge, the prevalence of specific languages shifts. In some cases, such changes are impacted by non-technical factors. As a result, some capabilities are re-introduced in future languages. While a large number of robotic systems today use the C and C++ programming languages, a growing number of researchers are investigating the use of other general-purpose languages, such as Python, Lua, and Java, as well as robotic-specific languages, such as URBI and KRL. There is also the question of using multiple languages to meet, sometimes, conflicting requirements such as performance and portability.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

Date and Location

Monday May 14, 2012
Room: To be announced


The full-day workshop is structured in three sessions.
  1. Presentation Session: will include a keynote presentation by an invited expert and a set of talks that represent a selected set of accepted contributions.
  2. Poster Session: will give the opportunity for all authors of accepted contributions to discuss/demonstrate their work.
  3. Group Discussion Session: will be organized as a working group session that maximizes participation from individuals.
Details to be announced.

Important Dates

Submission deadline for Extended Abstracts:   March 15th, 2012
Notification of acceptance:   March 30th, 2012
Workshop date:   May 14th, 2012


We invite you to submit an extended abstract of your contribution for both talks and posters. Extended abstracts may be around 1000 words and may include figures and references.
Extended abstracts should be submitted in pdf format by email to Davide Brugali (brugali(at)unibg.it) by March 15h, 2012.
Contributions will be reviewed for quality and relevance to the workshop’s theme. Theoretical and applied papers, as well as papers that capture best practices and lessons learned from field studies are encouraged. Submission of preliminary results would also be considered.
Submitting a contribution is not a prerequisite to participation in the workshop and the discussion sessions.


An editorial project on the workshop theme (Springer STAR book / JOSER Special Issue) will be planned with the participants during the workshop.



For any questions, please contact: DavideBrugali, brugali(at)unibg.it